Thursday, June 11, 2009

Technical difficulties...

June 11, 2009

Tyrone, Bom dia! I tried to call this morning but it must have been too late. Buddy ate my webcam yesterday, so I had to install a new one. I was so angry. When I made him stay outside, he just chased the birds. No remorse, stupid dog! Oh well, I got a new one (webcam, not dog), so we are still in business. My juniors, or new seniors I should say, are very shy about using SKYPE. We practiced today and M—will be our star, I think.

Comment by Cathy:

So who would have thought the dog would eat the webcam? Chalk it up as unforeseeable technical difficulties…

And other technical difficulties…it seems that every time it rains in Brooklyn or Salvador the Internet goes down.

Another bit of advice – Try new programs. It was a simple download of that enabled me to save to pdf files to upload to our publishing site,

Publishing? Expect to spend a lot of time proofing. The students can do some of it, but consider your audience and work until you can be proud to show the results. What a lesson in editing for the students. I lost count of the number of times I downloaded a final copy of our book that ended up not a final copy after all.

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