Friday, October 17, 2008

A Challenge is Issued...

October 17, 2008
Cathy, let's try to do something different next week: I want to make my students write comments at our Orkut. They will look at your students' pictures, and then they will write comments on them in Portuguese. Your students and you could have a look at translating sites submitting my students' text into a translation.
Steps for that:
1st: Read the comments;
2nd: Copy my students' comments and put them in a translating site;
3rd: If you are successful translating the texts, see how accurate they are in English: are the messages clear? are they confusing? have you understood at least 80% of the translating messages?

What do you think of my suggestion? Is it possible to do so? You could ask at least one, 2, or three students trying to have the texts translated. If the result is good and you still have some doubts you could email-me asking for this or that meaning of something. If you aren't successful trying to translate the texts, you say that to me and then We will translate them into English as we have done. So, the challenge is issued to you!!! ( I am just kidding!) ---Tyrone

The challenge, no matter if in fun, has been issued and we will go for it!!! Notice that the fear is beginning to lessen...

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